The measurements information is used to value the state of things (good or wrong) and then act towards control the variables.
The methods for measuring biomass vary between ecosystems, biomes and type of organism.
It is important in the vegetation measurement, representing an indicator of productivity and of ecological and management processes in the vegetation.
Vegetation biomass measuring tell us what plant dominates a land by controlling the nutrients and water resources. Estimates of biomass and residual biomass also strongly influence the hydrologic properties of the site including infiltration, runoff, and erosion. Biomass of both grasses and woody plants constitute potential fuels that can be measured to assess the risk of wildfire.
Biomass can be directly measured with little training, although, it is time consuming.

The above MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) map above shows the density of plant growth over the entire globe. Very low values of EVI (white and brown areas) correspond to barren areas of rock, sand, or snow. Moderate values (light greens) represent shrub and grassland, while high values indicate temperate and tropical rainforests (dark greens). The MODIS EVI gives scientists a new tool for monitoring major fluctuations in vegetation and understanding how they affect, and are affected by, regional climate trends.
The biomass of a trophic level is likely to be proportional to the number of organisms and the energy found in each level. This could be graphically shown by the use of the ecological pyramid, which are graphical representations of the trophic structure of ecosystems:

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