sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Atmospheric layers, Air Pollution and its effects over environment

Behavior of the atmospheric layers.

As we can appreciate in the diagram above, the conditions of pressure and temperature at each level.

The ozone layer, which shields the earth from the direct radiation of Sun’s UV rays, is located in the stratosphere. Ozone is vital for life in Earth, but at ground level, ozone could be very harmful due to its high oxidation levels.

In the troposphere we find the harm of the green house gases. Carbon dioxide and methane directly contribute to global warming and its effect over climatic conditions.

Primary pollutants are the ones that come directly from sources like volcanic eruptions and dust storms. Methane (SO2) and CO2 are generated by natural and anthropogenic (human activity) sources. Human activity generates pollution mainly by combustion and industrial activity (SO2).

Secondary pollutants are the ones that have already changed in composition from the primary ones due to chemical reactions in body waters, soil or even by the effect of Sun’s radiation (sunlight).

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